Fever, cough and gastroenteritis in children: when to consult.
This page aims to inform parents about when it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for their child's fever, cough or gastroenteritis symptoms. Learn the signs that need immediate medical attention and what care you can provide at home while waiting for a consultation.

When to consult the emergency?
- Your child is having trouble breathing (for example, he is breathing faster than normal; he is pale; his lips turn white or blue; he is coughing non-stop, choking or breathing irregularly).
- Your child is hurt and may have a broken bone or need stitches.
- Your child hurt himself and is now vomiting.
- Your infant (under three months old) has a fever over 38°C or 100.4°F.
- Your child is feverish and drowsy, and you are having trouble waking him up.
- Your child has a rash and his skin doesn't turn white if you press on it.
- Your child is vomiting and has diarrhea, is not producing tears, has a very dry mouth and has not urinated more than 2-3 times in the last 24 hours.
- source :CHU Sainte-Justine
When to consult at the without appointment clinic?
In case of cough:
If your child :
- has a cough that persists for more than 10 days and the symptoms that have accompanied the cough from the beginning do not improve;
- coughs so much that he chokes or vomits;
- is less than 3 months old and coughs for several hours;
- is less than 6 months old and has a fever greater than 38°C (100°F);
- is over 6 months old and has a temperature that reaches 40°C (104°F), or has had a fever for 72 hours;
- wheezing; has difficulty eating adequately;
- lose weight; cough and have chest or rib pain;
- has a cough that reoccurs every 2 to 3 weeks for a period of more than 3 months.
To help you assess the situation, you can:
- Call 811

In case of fever :
- It can be difficult to assess the right time to seek medical attention if you have a fever.
- Generally, if your child is over 3 months old and is in good health, it is possible to wait 48 hours to 72 hours before consulting a doctor if your child does not present any worrying symptoms and is in good general condition.
To help you assess the situation, you can:
- Call 811
In case of gastroenteritis :
- If your children:
- vomits more than 6 or 7 times a day
- has a dry tongue or seems to urinate less
- has stools containing blood
- has a hard and sensitive stomach
- has continuous diarrhea (more than 6 stools per day) for more than 5 days
- To help you assess the situation, you can:
- Call 811
Need additional advice?
Call the info-santé phote line : dial 811