Prenatal care at GMF la Cigogne

The visits

Before your first visit

You must sent it prior to your first appointment.

1st appointment with your doctor

  • Usually around 10 weeks pregnant
  • A nurse may call you a few weeks before the appointment to prepare for the meeting.
  • The doctor you meet at your first appointment will be primarily responsible for your prenatal care.
  • In the event of an emergency or when your doctor is absent, you will meet another member of the team.

Other visits

  • We do not confirm any appointments by telephone.
  • Please be sure to note the date and time of your next appointment.
  • Also read our appointment policy
  • Initially, appointments will be every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Between 30 and 36 weeks every 2 to 3 weeks.
  • From 36 weeks : every 7 to 14 days.
  • From the 20th week: you can contact the hospital delivery room for an emergency related to your pregnancy at 450-466-5000 ext. 2510.

Postnatal visit for your baby

  • The clinic will contact you to make an appointment.
  • Around 2-4 weeks of life
  • With a clinical nurse or specialist nurse practitioner.
  • Only if your baby doesn't already have a family doctor.

Postpartum visit

  • Following your delivery, it will be determined whether you need a planed follow-up around 8 weeks postpartum or if this follow-up will only take place as needed, at your request.
  • The appointment could be with your doctor or with a nurse depending on your situation. 
  • For a complication directly related to childbirth, you can request a follow-up at GMF La Cigogne either: 
    • With the doctor who monitored your pregnancy by contacting his administrative assistant.
    • At the walk-in clinic service if the situation is URGENT. Access to the walk-in clinic is available up to 8 weeks postpartum
  • Consult our information on the post-natal period

Prenatal tests timeline and instructions

Between 10 and 14 weeks

  • First trimester blood test
    • fasting from midnight


  • Screening for Down syndrome
    • Please consult the following link for more information:

Make an appointment on clic santé or by phone at 1 833-600-5932 at the Panama collection center (local Brossard service point) or at the CLSC Samuel de Champlain.



Between 20 and 22 weeks

  • Morphological ultrasound
    • Used to detect malformations and anomalies of the fetus and placenta. 
    • Usually, you will also be able to find out the gender of your child.

You will be contacted approximately 2-3 weeks before the scheduled date.

If this is not the case, please contact the hospital imaging department (450-466-5000 ext. 2029).


At 26 weeks

  • Second trimester blood test
    • Screening for diabetes and anemia of pregnancy.
    • Check your prescription to see if you need to fast before the test.

Make an appointment on clic santé or by phone at 1 833-600-5932 at the Panama collection center (local Brossard service point) or at the CLSC Samuel de Champlain.

You may have to choose induced oral hyperglycemia option.

Between 26 and 32 weeks

  • Whooping cough vaccine
    • To be done during each pregnancy to transmit antibodies to your baby.

Make an appointment on clic santé.

The vaccine is offered free of charge at the Panama center and in several pharmacies.

You do not need a prescription. 

Around 28 weeks

  • WinRho
    • patients with Rh negative blood type

Please call the prenatal clinic to make your appointment:

  • (450) 466-5000, ext. 2512
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Wednesday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Be careful not to have a delay of more than 3 weeks between your 2nd trimester blood test and the win-rho appointment.

Between 32 and 34 weeks

  • Control ultrasound if necessary
    • according to your risk factors/medical condition

You will be contacted directly by the hospital.

Between 34 and 37 weeks

  • Start perineum stretching exercises 
  • Discussion about your birth wishes



  • Postpartum plan discussion
    • contraception, medication, monitoring of certain conditions.


You can prepare by consulting our section on the birth plan (page under construction). 


You can prepare by consulting our postnatal period section.

You will need to bring it with you when you give birth.

Your delivery

We are affiliated with Charles-LeMoyne hospital, just in front of the clinic.

The clinic's on-call doctor will be present for the birth of your child.

We work in collaboration with a team of gynecological-obstetrician specialists who can assist us in the event of complications or if a cesarean birth becomes necessary.

We invite you to watch our virtual tour of the delivery room as well as our section on preparation for childbirth.